About Mary
I help people live fully into their God-given calling, deepen their relationships, and write to publish.
I come alongside people from all walks of life as they seek to be spiritually formed and deepen their relationship with God, themselves, and others. And I have extensive experience working with church staff, church and marketplace leaders, missionaries, and leaders of leaders. LEARN MORE
I also offer life purpose and calling workshops and, occasionally, chronic illness workshops. LEARN MORE
In addition, I offer a writing for spiritual formation course for groups. I’m also working on developing a writing-to-heal workshop. Stay tuned for updates.
On the business front, I’m a regular contributor to the award-winning Independent Banker Magazine. My areas of expertise also include C-suite communications, white papers, articles for print and online publications, websites, and more.
I’m also an experienced ghostwriter who specializes in working with church and marketplace leaders and entrepreneurs. LEARN MORE
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