Living from the Inside Out is about the inner journey of spiritual and personal transformation. It is about getting off the hamster wheel of “doing” for Jesus and finding your deepest longings satisfied by “being” with Jesus. It’s about spiritual practices like silence, solitude, and Sabbath that help you quiet your soul to hear from God. It’s about the intersection of real faith and real life and experiencing God’s inner healing and abundant life in Christ.
The truth is my life is pretty raw and messy most of the time. I live with chronic physical pain due to rheumatoid arthritis, and I’ve spent most of my life struggling to overcome a lifetime of debilitating, soul-killing emotional and verbal abuse. What’s more, my house is sometimes (ok…often) dirty, and I can be impatient and rude. And I don’t fit the mold of a “nice Christian woman;” I sometimes ask hard questions that make people uncomfortable.
But I love Jesus.
If you, like me, hunger for authentic Christian spirituality and health for your soul, you’ll find a kindred spirit here. And if you’re broken, hurting, and needing grace, please come in. This is a safe, healing place.
Welcome, friend.