
Coming Home: Part 1

Coming Home: Part 1

I've been taking a class on essay writing that has opened up a whole new world of possibilities, self-reflection, and a world of fun. Here's a first draft of my first week's assignment. As a side note, it's interesting that three or four of us in the class...

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A Place Called Home

A Place Called Home

Jennifer Lauck opens her memoir, Blackbird, with these words, “The only house I’ll every call home is the on Mary Street.” It led me to ask the inevitable question, “Where or what is home for me?” It is a question I’ve been asking myself since childhood, because as...

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Christian Coaching for Life and Leadership

Enrichment Journal's spring 2012 issue focuses on coaching for life and leadership. To learn more about Christ-centered coaching, the power of coaching in the local church, why great ministry leaders need a coach, and more, check out these helpful articles: Biblical...

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Pain as Invitation

Pain as Invitation

Life's pain is rife with invitations. Paradoxes of life and death, joy and mourning, hope and despair, invite us to spiritual and emotional growth, if we will only stop to listen and respond. The sun peeks over the horizon as I drive into the empty parking lot at...

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Our Deepest Fear

Our Deepest Fear

Here's a quote that was shared during today's critique group. Let it speak to you today. “Our deepest fear is not that we are inadequate. Our deepest fear is that we are powerful beyond measure. It is our light, not our darkness, that frightens us most. We ask...

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Soul Care: Discover the Unhurried Rhythms of Grace

Soul Care: Discover the Unhurried Rhythms of Grace

How is it with your soul? It's possible to gain the whole world yet lose sight for what really matters. Discover the unhurried rhythms of grace with soul care. While having coffee with my friend Kathryn this morning, our conversation drifted to the cultural...

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Our Life in Christ

If our life in Christ means anything to you, if love can persuade at all, or the Spirit that we have in common, or any tenderness and sympathy, then be united in your convictions and united in your love, with a common purpose and a common mind. That is the one thing...

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The Power of Invitation

The Power of Invitation

Invitations shape the contours of our lives. And for almost a month now, I’ve been considering how. So, after stumbling onto the One Word Three Sixty-Five website a few days into the New Year, the word invitation seemed like the obvious choice. In her new...

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Listening and Inner-Healing Prayer

Listening and Inner-Healing Prayer

Recently, a friend was telling me about a challenging work situation in which her supervisor failed to address workplace bullying. The stress of a toxic work environment was taking its toll; her health was deteriorating. She spilled her pain, and I received it,...

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Conversation and the Quality of Your Relationships*

Conversation and the Quality of Your Relationships*

You can measure the depth of relationship by the quality of your conversations. To determine the depth of relationship you have with others, ask yourself these revealing questions. Can I share my true self with others without fear of judgment or reprisal? Do others...

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