You can measure the depth of relationship by the quality of your conversations. To determine the depth of relationship you have with others, ask yourself these revealing questions.
- Can I share my true self with others without fear of judgment or reprisal?
- Do others know what’s going on in my interior world?
- Do I share my failings as well as my successes with others?
- Do I tell others the truth about my circumstances and my challenges?
- Do I tell myself the truth?
- When people ask me how I am, do I tell them how?
If you answered “no,” to two or more of these questions, your relationships probably need some work.
What practical steps can you take to take to improve the quality of your relationships? What conversations do you need to have and with whom?
Think about it. Pray about it. Then act on it.
*My thanks to Jerome Daley for inspiring this post with Thrivetip #77: “‘The conversation IS the relationship.’ ~Susan Scott. What you can talk about—and how—defines your quality of relationship.”