My dear friend, Trinity Wilbourn lost everything in a house fire while she was at church yesterday. Her fourth baby is due in days and she has nothing left. Despite her tragic circumstances, her heart so inspires me. Here’s a post from her blog, Walking Barefoot...
Which do you prefer — a mountain top experience or time spent in the valley? No brainer, right? Yet, it is often the valley experiences of life where true spiritual formation occurs. God reveals truth during wilderness seasons, but it comes at a price. We need to...
Endings are a necessary part of life. Despite their inevitability, most of us face endings with a sense of regret, anger, and even fear. Whether personal, job-related, or relationship-oriented, endings are tough. But realize this — to move forward, you sometimes have...
I want to be a woman after God’s own heart, a woman who fears the Lord, has ears to hear and eyes to see, and walks in step with God’s Spirit. I want to be authentic and transparent, avoiding “God talk,” in other words, language that is depersonalized,...
Living from the Inside Out is about the inner journey of spiritual and personal transformation. It is about getting off the hamster wheel of “doing” for Jesus and finding your deepest longings satisfied by “being” with Jesus. It’s about spiritual practices like...